
Why Outsource Assessment?

Are your faculty members burning the candle at both ends? Are complaints about yet another duty outside of any job discription rising from the them? Has a faculty member asked why they have to assess outcomes? In fact, do they ask why do we need outcomes? This kind of reaction is not uncommon, particularly as the ABET accreditation visit date approaches and the crunch of gathering all the necessary documentation begins. But what if someone else was taking care of the assessment for each of your programs? Suppose each program received a comprehensive, complete documented report every year with the results of your assessment program ready for review and action? Then an effective continuous improvement program could be functioning in which the program faculty need only be the decision making body in the process. The arduous work of documenting the process, collecting the data, compiling the results and reporting is done - each year - by someone else - not your faculty! The faculty is teaching, grading, advising, preparing innovative classes, conducting ground breaking research, writing proposals, keeping up with the field - all things faculty members do. And... they are taking informed actions to improve their undergraduate program thanks to the comprehensive assessment report provided by Assessment Advantage LLC. ABET visit coming? Continuous improvement documentation is already there because someone on the outside is paying attention to it for you every year. The faculty will be happy, ABET evaluators will be happy, and your constituents will benefit from a program that is assured of producing graduates ready to enter the profession.

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