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ABET Foundation Ceases Consulting Sevices

At the insistence of ABET Inc., the ABET Foundation was forced to cease its ABET preparation consulting services. Institutions that sought assistance in preparing for ABET accreditation went to the ABET Foundation to contract for highly qualified and vetted consultants, most of who were former commissioners of their respective ABET commissions. This move is sending shock waves throughout the community of academic programs who use this service to understand their programs' compliance with ABET criteria before an ABET accreditation visit. It was one more step taken by these programs toward continuous improvement that the ABET criteria require. The Foundation provided professional consulting services which helped the academic community immensely. It was a service that was in high demand and over its short 8 years in existence helped hundreds of programs both within the US and outside of it. 

Assessment Advantage is quite sorry to see this widely used service end and encourages ABET Inc. to reconsider allowing the ABET Foundation to provide these vital consulting services. In the meantime, Assessment Advantage commits to fulfilling the same role that the ABET Foundation played, by being a one stop organization for providing highly qualified consultants, with the same fee structure and policies that were in place with the ABET Foundation.

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