Assessment Advantage provides clients with expert consultation based on extensive experience in three areas: Accreditation Services, Engineering Services and Strategic Communications. In all areas, assessment plays a key role as it is critical to know where you are before moving into the future.

Accreditation Services - A wide variety of accreditation services are provided for programs seeking to prepare for initial or continuing ABET accreditation under all four of the ABET commissions. Expert program specific consultants provide these services as required. Consultants are highly experienced in both domestic and international ABET accreditation.

Engineering Services - Pertains to government and industrial clients specifically focusing on aircraft design and integration, program management processes, and the effectiveness of training programs. Assessment Advantage principals have extensive knowledge and experience in aerodynamics, concept design, structures, crashworthiness, software integration processes, program management processes, and continuous improvement processes. We assist clients in reviewing design approaches for both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft and UAV as well as assessing software integration plans and processes. Clients in need of reviewing or improving their program management processes can request support from Assessment Advantage.

Strategic Communications - Having a great idea or a great product is one thing, but if you can't get the word out, it is a success limiter. Assessment Advantage provides marketing and communications services for all types of organizations with great ideas and products. We will help you get the word out to the right audience with the right message using the right platforms and tools.

Confidentiality - All information to and from a client is kept strictly confidential.